Together we carry the risk
…and reap the rewards
Advantages of the product:
The contingency policy enables you to retain specific risk and can be used in combination with conventional insurance as part of your total insurance structure. This promotes good risk management and allows you to potentially save on your conventional insurance premiums as well as gain financial independence in the long-run
Certain risk that might normally be excluded by conventional insurance could also be covered by the policy
The Insured is rewarded for good risk management and can share through underwriting profits
The policy can assist you to enhance your cash flow
The premiums that are not claimed in the current period, can be renewed, and utilised in future
The standard 120% cover can be increased and tailormade to meet your individual needs
There are no renewal, monthly or cancellation fees
You can gain access to your risk management policy within 24 hours
Additional benefits
Your policy can be pledged as security to access:
A loan facility to enhance your cashflow
The issuing of guarantees, if needed